For Individuals - Woke to Working
When white folks “wake up” to race there is often a period of isolation, overwhelm and searching. I can help you find clarity and the right next step on your antiracist journey.
Feeling stuck right now? A three-hour listening and coaching session can help you get back on track.
Looking to reshape your work, personal or civic life in a major way to more fully reflect your antiracist commitment? Let’s make a unique plan to achieve your goals through 6 to 18 hours of coaching support.
For Organizations - The Next Leap
Organizational development consulting for organizations that are beyond the idea stage of a start-up venture but not yet rocking and rolling. When the growing pains you are facing - board development, fundraising, program capacity - all seem intertwined, I can help you prioritize, knock down a few key dominos and leap from start-up to sustainable.
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Training for predominantly white leadership teams that feel some amount of urgency to take on this work and want to “do it right.” I bring considerable expertise in engaging white folks in conversations about race and equity and building momentum for change. I carry out this work through accountability partnerships with trainers of color.
You’ve done the reading, now you’re doing the work: I love helping organizations begin walking the talk, especially when affinity group work feels like the right next step.
For Communities - Activating an Audience
As an experienced trainer, facilitator and lecturer, I can support you in addressing the following:
How racial bias forms and what White kids need to know about race in early childhood
How to apply community organizing to civic engagement and social change work with groups that identify as privileged.
Stories of change in majority white communities and the work of being an effective ally.
Why antiracist awareness is not enough and how radical, reparative giving fits into white folks work on racial equity.
For Donors and Philanthropists
I offer philanthropic advising for individuals, families, and family foundations who want to connect wealth and privilege to purpose at every stage of their charitable giving life.
New to giving? Let’s work together to understand your values and develop a philanthropic plan of action.
Already giving but looking to be more intentional about racial equity? I’ll help you create greater clarity about your anti-racist values and role as a donor.
Talking past each other or stuck? I can help multigenerational groups of donors reframe tension, ground in history and data about racial wealth inequality, and articulate shared values and giving strategies moving forward.
The unique work of philanthropy
Organizational Development Consulting that is tailored to philanthropic institutions addresses the history of racialized wealth creation and the charitable sector. We’d work together to develop a relationship-centric approach to giving.
Get in touch with me.
Overwhelm to give way to clarity;
A greater ability to think in systems and see your role in them;
A sense of connection to a larger anti-racist community;
A deeper historical understanding of how we got here and a powerful vision for future possibilities;
Integrating racial awareness into a meaningful sense of personal purpose;
Activating your ability to make change, move money and building community.